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Its a Race Thing

I can't believe all the hub bub about the upcoming speech by the POTUS (figure it out) to school children of America. The Pres just wants to let kids know that education is important and so are they. What's the big deal, let them listen to a few minutes of a speech especially for them. Hey, we all gathered in the conference room to watch the inauguration didn't we?? Didn't you? NO? Oh, well then just move on in your thoughts and activities for the day. But whew - the internet is hot today on this topic to occur on the next business day to come upon us (Next Tuesday, 11 am CST) and the sentiment is that its inappropriate, and the Minnesota Gov. Pawlenty believes its "uninvited" in this interview, and the schools in "the South" are requiring teachers to review it prior to showing it to students to judge whether the content is valuable. Jeez. I think no matter what anyone says, it's a race thing. Get over it. He's the Pres, don't you think he's probably figured out how to have his speech writers develop appropriate content?