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New Years Resolutions

Well it's the last day of the year and I have to admit, I haven't accomplished what I would like with this blog. I've spent a decent amount of prep getting the site up, and getting affiliates and trying to create interesting posts. However, I just haven't made it my priority. With a full time very boring government job you would think I could sneak in a few posts each day. But the death of me has been google reader and all the RSS feeds that I browse each day. There are a lot of great blogs out there with meaningful posts that I read and think, geeze I could write that too - but I don't because it takes a lot of time to write a good blog post. So with said, here are my frugal new years resolutions
  • Create a clear focus for the blog and have every post be related to the focus
  • Post regularly, not too much like some do but hopefully at least once a day
  • Provide meaningful content with every post, not just ads or deals that everyone is posting
  • Link up to Facebook and Twitter (@frugalapolis) and use those networks
So my goals are to just grow the blog with increased readership, and to share frugal practices and deals so others can benefit from a frugal lifestyle.
Happy New Year to You!