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Do You Count?

In the census? I'm sure most of you have responded as you are responsible, frugal, government fearing individuals who follow the laws of our great nation. Unfortunately, millions of people don't count - or haven't been counted yet. So thousands of people looking for that lucrative temporary employment, have signed up and been hired to be census workers.
The major hiring push was at the beginning of the year and starting tomorrow for the next 60 days, these workers will be out in the neighborhood trying to count the uncounted. Unfortunately, I predict the census will have an incredibly high attrition rate as these workers figure out that $14.50/hr plus mileage, plus cell phone reimbursement and paid travel time will just not be worth it. The temperature here in Tampa is forecast to be 90F tomorrow with high winds and hot sun. It will be brutal to wander around on the streets trying to find people and verify vacant addresses.
The hardest part of this will be getting those uncounted people to cooperate and provide answers that can be documented on the forms. Many of the people who don't count yet, don't want to be counted. They are the NCPs (non custodial parents) hiding from Child Support Enforcement, and the mommies hiding from Dept of Families and Children, so they can't verify the number of children they claim on their food stamps and cash assistance. They are the people with outstanding warrants and writs, deactivated drivers licenses and illegal aliens.
My friend who has completed training to be a census worker did a trial run yesterday. They were sent in pairs to the hood. The people were rude and didn't reveal any useful information. It was a frustrating experience and her partner quit on the spot. Another one down. Add that to 50% of the people who didn't even bother to show up for training! So out of a class of 18 workers, 9 showed up, and at least one more quit yesterday. So, Tampa has 8 workers left. My friend will probably not make it a week. She is older, largely overweight, and can't walk very far without taking a break. I tell her to be safe, but who knows whats behind every door you knock on.
So, if you're looking for work, I'm sure the census bureau will continue to be hiring for this tough, tough job.
You can go HERE to see an interactive map of your area to see the participation rate, and to find out more information about jobs.