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Evil Scale Update

Well I'm happy to report I've lost 2.4 lbs in my first week dieting and exercising. Last Monday I started documenting everything I eat and all my activities on and its amazingly hard to cut back on calories. I thought I ate good, but morning snacks are my downfall after riding my bike to work. I get so hungry. Right now its almost lunch time and my stomach just aches with hunger. Its painful losing weight! I also need to give up the alcohol every night, those 2 beers a night add up to 1400 calories a week. When it takes 3500 calories deficit to lose a pound, those drinking calories don't help!
So I did pretty good riding my bike 10 miles daily, and walking an hour at least 4 days, but the beer and the chicken wings on Saturday night were a setback. I did see the evil scale tip up slightly. I don't like to see the yo-yo pattern at all, since that's always been my downfall. I lose 3 lbs a week, but then gain a pound on the weekends with my excess consumption. This weekend I rode my bike 10 miles each day to make up for my otherwise lazy ways on the on the weekend, so that was what saved me this week.
Here's a chart of my calories eaten vs calories burned and I managed to burn more than eat all days, so that's good.