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Evil Scale After 3 Weeks

This is getting really old. Talking to my friends they ask why are you denying yourself food you like when you don't lose the weight when you diet. Why not just eat what you want and still not lose the weight? That's a very good question, one I ask myself everytime I drool over chicken wings or when DH is eating Ben and Jerry''s ice cream - half baked. So, I had that extra beer on Saturday night, and the chicken wings using the excuse that I did lawn work, rode my bike 10 miles, walked for an hour and other sweaty outdoor things in Florida. And I paid the price. I was up 1.6 pounds from my lowpoint of week on Sunday morning weighin.
More determined than ever on Sunday, I rode my bike more, walked faster, ate less and then it turns out this morning that the evil scale was going to just show me I'm down 1 pound this week, for a total of 4.6 lbs in 3 weeks.
I'm not looking forward to many more weeks of this to lose 10 more pounds. I'm thinking it might be worth it to just stop the madness, quit eating ANYTHING fattening, and lose 5 lbs a week. Then in two weeks it would be over and I could do maintenance eating.