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Florida Sales Tax Holiday 8/13,14,15

It's back!  Florida's popular "back-to-school" sales tax holiday returns after a two-year break.  From August 13 through August 15, you and all Florida shoppers will not pay state or local sales tax on books, clothing, footwear, and certain accessories priced at $50 or less.  School supplies priced at $10 or less are also tax exempt.  Even if you don't have kids at home, you can also buy any of these items and donate them to schools and other volunteer organizations. 
What's In, What's Out?
A tax-exempt book, priced at $50 or less, is a set of printed sheets bound together and published in a volume.  It doesn't include newspapers, magazines, other periodicals, or audio books.
Tax-exempt clothing, priced at $50 or less, is any article of wearing apparel, including all footwear (except skis, swim fins, roller blades, and skates), worn on or about the human body.  However, "clothing" does not include watches, watchbands, jewelry, umbrellas, handkerchiefs, or sporting equipment.
Tax-exempt school supplies (priced at $10 or less) include:
  • pens
  • pencils
  • erasers
  • crayons
  • notebooks
  • notebook filler paper
  • legal pads
  • binders
  • lunch boxes
  • construction paper
  • markers
  • folders
  • poster board
  • composition books
  • poster paper
  • scissors
  • cellophane tape
  • glue or paste
  • rulers
  • computer disks
  • protractors or compasses
  • calculators