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Oops! I Just Spent My Grocery Money

So, I'm all caught up at work, perusing one of my favorite sites and happened upon a deal today at It was kind of impulsive, but my sister and I have been "skyping" and she questioned why don't I have a built in web cam and microphone? Well, I got my web cam and headphones a long time ago, before the handy dandy built in ones. Besides it was free for doing an online focus group.
Anyway, As I'm F5'ing my way through the available laptops, a really cute Dell mini 10" laptop came up for $129. So, after about 2 seconds I put it in my cart. Then I thought about how long it would take me to get a return on my investment. You see, with a new laptop I can print a whole slew of coupons that I've already done on my other four computers. I figure I can print $129 worth of coupons and redeem them in just a few shops.
Actually, I figure I already paid for it with my grocery money - from last year. Over the last year, we made money on our grocery shopping, even though we brought home over fourteen thousand dollars worth of products - they didn't cost us anything. We spent about $1400 at stores to gather all this food and product, but it also included $1760 worth of store and gasoline gift cards, so we actually made a few hundred dollars. You may wonder how this can possibly be true, but I assure you it is - with using coupons. Lots of coupons. Lots of deal hunting online. Lots of trips to the store (253 to be exact). Lots of stuff to stockpile. And unfortunately, it was a very sad day in our house on Dec 31 when thousands of unused coupons expired. We had a funeral for all the booklets, inserts, peelies, blinkies and coupons.
Granted we wouldn't have purchased as much product (we give a lot of it away) if we paid cash for it, but we used to spend over $100 a week on groceries. The five thousand dollars we didn't spend on groceries last year paid for my new laptop I just bought, our cruises in Feb and Apr, and our new appliances. It's not rocket science, anyone can be a couponer - it takes less time than I bet you spend watching TV each week.
So, the new year has already started and the new coupons are rolling in. I went "recycling" last night for the first time in many months because last weekends paper had 5 great inserts. There are a lot of new deals to be had. Don't let them go by this year.