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Happy St Patricks Day

Hope you have some fun planned for this festive day of Irish lore. We might get out tonight for a sample for green beer later. For now, its another Irish proverb to help you in your frugal ways.
Do not take the thatch from your own roof to buy slates for another man's house.
Its great to share your wealth and donate stockpile items to those in need, but its important to make sure you don't sacrifice your security and well being. If you have a long lost relative who is always asking to borrow money or co-sign a loan that you doubt they can repay, its not the best choice to sign up for that. Try to offer them alternatives, or question them to decide if they've researched their choices enough. You could offer to help in other non monetary ways.
As far as your own expenses - If you've budgeted and accounted for your expenditures or desires and realize you need to earn extra cash, try to earn it yourself. If you choose to have a garage sale or sell something on craigslist to make some spare change, don't feel like you need to lower your prices just because people may ask. Sure we all like to get a bargain, but if you have a fair price on something - don't get all emotional and sell if for a lower price. If you are selling something to just get rid of it, that's different - but if you want to make some money, just say no. Its actually easier to sell something to a stranger than it is to sell to a friend or relative because there is no emotion involved. Many a people make poor financial decisions when emotions are involved. 
Have a Great day!