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It is Not a Fish Until it is On the Bank

My favorite holiday is approaching this week, so another Irish proverb for us all. This tidbit of wisdom is especially important for us dreamers, who plan on all sorts of wonderful things and suppositions about how things should happen. Sure it was great that we recently planned on selling our boat, we were fortunate in finding a good buyer, and the check cleared the bank and now the boat is gone. But it could have gone a hundred different ways. Many times when something is for sale on Craigslist, you get some phone calls, emails or texts inquiring whether the item is still available, and you respond quickly - only to get no further response. WTH? What are these people thinking? We'll never know, but we do know you can't count on selling stuff quickly (unless you follow my Craigslist Tips).
You also can't count on that tax return, or that pay raise, or that job you applied for along with a ton of other people. Its important to not count it as a catch until its in the boat, or on the bank. So keep casting your line out there to get a big fish, but also continue your frugal ways to get you through the dry spell.