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Lawn Mower Class Action Settlement Update

Last year I posted about the Lawn Mower Class Action Settlement and I was wondering if anyone has gotten their settlement yet, I haven't.

On August 16, 2010, Judge Adelman granted Plaintiffs’ motion for final approval of the settlements with all defendants. Subsequently, some of the class members who objected to the terms of the settlements filed notices of appeal with the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals recently dismissed the relevant appeals and the settlement proceeds will soon be ready for distribution to class members. The Claims Administrator is currently processing the claims received by class members. Class members who filed a valid claim can expect to receive a cash payment and engine warranty certificate (if applicable) by April, 2011.

Please be patient and check this website ( or call 1-877-773-8196 for timely updates. The updates on the website and toll-free telephone line contain the most up-to-date information available, so please refrain from contacting Rust Consulting or Class Counsel directly if your questions relate to the status of the Court’s decision on Final Approval or any appeals.