I love google and all their products, so I'm sure I'll love this one too. My blog is google, my email is gmail, my phone numbers are Google Voice, and of course Picasa Web, Google Docs, and YouTube. Now Google just launched it's Music Beta page, and is taking invitation requests, a la Google voice back in the day. Their service won't let you purchase any music just yet, because their negotiations with the record labels has fallen through, for now, but they will allow you to upload up to 20,000 of your own songs to "the cloud" for play from anywhere.
You can get to your personal music collection at home or on the go. Listen from the web or any enabled device with the Music app available from Android Market. Not online? No problem. The songs you've recently played will automatically be available offline. You can also select the specific albums, artists and play lists you want to have available when you're not connected.
The sooner you put in your request, the sooner you'll get your invitation.