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Juice In The City

Everyone loves a great deal, right?  And most people are totally overwhelmed with the amount of deals out there to be had, most of which are irrelevant to their day-to-day lives.  Enter Juice in the City.  They are a community of (mostly) moms who know their way around their respective cities and know about all those little hidden gems.  They provide a great deal each day (50% off or more) geared toward families in the local community by recommending a locally-owned, locally-run business.  There are typically a few sub-divided markets in each major city, so there is no worry about finding a good "deal" that isn't really a good deal after all because, while it is in your metro area, it is an hour away from your house. 
Some examples of deals include restaurants, massages, family activities, local shops and services.  Juice in the City has exploded all over the country because of it's organic, word-of-mouth business model.  Don't you love to get a great recommendation from a close friend before you try out a new business?  That is exactly what Juice in the City provides.  Each business featured on the site has been personally tried by the person sourcing the deal, and they give honest feedback as to what to expect when you visit that business.  If you haven't checked it out yet, you really should!

As an aside, Juice in the City is always looking for people to promote their favorite businesses, as well as business to promote.  If you would like to earn a part-time income from home and recommend your favorite local businesses to others, check out the Juice in the City website and click on "We're Hiring!".
Or, if you own a business that you would like to have featured on the site, please check the lists below to see if your metro area is on either one.  If so, please contact Rachel and she can point you in the right direction.

Here are the cities where Juice in the City is already active:
New York
San Antonio
San Diego
San Francisco

And here are the markets coming soon:
Grand Rapids
Salt Lake City
St Louis
Washington DC

Rachel is a stay-at-home mom to 3 little cuties in the Minneapolis suburbs.  She has recently discovered Juice in the City and couldn't be more excited!  She loves the part-time hours that work around her busy schedule (and the extra spending money doesn't hurt) and can't wait to utilize all the great deals when the Minneapolis market launches in just a few short weeks!